Saturday, July 23, 2011
Pregnancy question , please urgent.?
Me and my fiance been having unprotected sex , eversinse Mother's day. ive been having pregnacy symtoms all month long, at first io rushed to take a test and tested false now i have my period. Is there any tip or ways i can get pregnant. ive been to the gyno and he said am prefectly fine. Any positions or tips? Help please. we really wanted to start our family.
How to fix a dent in turtle beach?
i moved the turtle beach headset and forgot to pick up the controller then the mic metal part that you connect from the headset to the controller dented and i cant hear anyone talk and no one can hear me talk
Can you put a turtle in a newt tank?
I have a terrium with a fire belly newt that i bought and a little cave newt that i found. If i put a little baby turtle in their (not the illegal kind) will it get along with the newts.
My turtle has a hard shell but not around the edges but only in the back its a baby and its a res is that bad?
How hard is it to care for a veiled chameleon?
I am seriously thinking about getting a veiled chameleon ,but i am not sure if i should get one.I have lots of experience would reptiles and I have a turtle right now too. Would having a chameleon and a turtle be too much? I have never had a chameleon before ,but I have done a lot of research. Also is there any chameleon food besides live insects? I know you can feed them some vegetables and that takes up 80% of their diet ,but they also need protein. Is there any other thing to feed them to get that protein? The last thing is that if you could tell me if you think i would be able to be a good owner. Just let me know, and please be honest.
Heart palpitations? should i be worried?
Any time you have abnormal heart activity you should see your doctor. With the acid reflux it might be a hiatal hernia but its best to find out by a professional...
What dialect of Italian is this?
Hi, this is not a dialect but it's standard italian. Capirai it's a future it means "you (singular) 'll understand"
Hate Life. Where did I go wrong?
i have no job, no friends, im 19, havent had sex in a year, finding a job is really hard and i have no enjoyment other than my xbox atm. i really dno what to do. i find myself up at times like this (3am) just feeling depressed. i hate everything and everyone atm :/
HELP Xbox 360 black ops multiplayer broken!!!?
This happened to me once before with MW2 where it would load everything, but I'd have no multiplayer data and I couldn't play it. So just try and re-boot your xbox, leave the game alone for a while and play other ones, and soon enough it should work again!
Do you have experience with baby red eared sliders in outdoor ponds?
We have 2 baby RES's. About an inch or so long. We have had them for 3 days, and put them in our 500 gal. outdoor pond. They really haven't eaten that much at all. We take them out twice a day to feed them in a rubbermaid container. The only reason we take them out is 1. to see if they are actually eating, and 2. if we just place the food in the water, my goldfish eat it. We offered them commercial turtle food, as well as bits of squash and carrots, and a half dead minnow. We have only seen them take a nip from the commercial food. They weren't even interested in the fish. I'm wondering if we should even continue to take them out or just put the food in the water and hope they are getting something. The reason I wonder this is because I'm wondering if it's stressful for them for us to catch them and remove them from the pond. One of them stays in the water all the time. The other one climbs out on a big rock we have provided for them. I am worried that at least the one is not getting the basking time it needs, and if we should put them in the container with a basking light. Wondering if that might help the eating. I don't know. So obviously, any and all suggestions are more than welcome as we learn how to take care of these little ones.
I accidentally dropped my turtle egg cont. ?
I have another q just like this. I'm on my iPhone so I can't add details to the question. It isn't cracked at all. I dropped it back in the sand. It only fell 3 or 4 inches.
Why isnt my pond turtle eating?#3?
It is probably a red eared slider. You can tell if it is because it has a red streak on the side of it's face. If it is do you have the proper UV light, basking area and a basking lamp. Also, you should feed it a variety and many turtles don't like the store bought pellets. I had a box turtle and it wouldn't eat the store bought pellets.. and 2 is not enough to keep it healthy. it needs vitamins!! Go to and look at the different aquatic turtles and their care sheets. Aquatic turtles need a calcium and vitamin supplement with their food to stay healthy. You should feed it bloodworm's, meal worms, crickets, Live comet goldfish, snails and earthworms. But feed it the insects as treats. Painted wood and red eared will also eat dark green leafy veggies and finally chopped veggies. Then you can feed the pellet food with it. They will only eat if it is in the water. I don't know the age limit to separate them from adults and juveniles so if you know and it is a juvenile feed it daily if it is an adult feed it every other day. Make sure your tank has a screened lid so that it can not Escape and use the rule of every inch of turtle have 10 gallons of water. The gravel or rock at the bottom needs to be larger so that they cannot eat it. In you raised basking end it should be 95 degrees the cool end should range at about 75 degrees. Light the tank with UVB rays 10-12 hours a day they will not eat if the conditions above are not met. Clean the tank and replace the water once a week. You know it is healthy if the eyes and nose are clear, it eats regularly, it is active and alert, it has a hard shell with no lesions, and it has skin with no sores on it. If it's eyes, nose, or mouth has discharge, has discolored bumps in shell or skin, is lethargic, has abnormal feces, is swimming frantically, or has sneezing or runny nose then you should contact a exotic animal veterinarian. Good Luck!
Christina grimme and sam tsui just a dream download....?
well i dno if you've heard just a dream by nelly but christina grimme and sam tsui's version (in my opinion) is waaaay better, anyway back to the main reason i dno where i can download their version, anyone got any ideas?
IOException was unhandled?
CTRL+ALT+DEL and end all processes that are using your file. you will probably see copies of your programs name that were hidden. after that it should work.
What are some effective techniques to persuade my mom to let me get a hamster?
Try showing her how responsible you can be. Do extra chores without asking, that's a big one. I convinced my mom to get me two pet rats only by doing extra chores for a couple weeks. Also try casually talking about some things about hamsters, pertaining to cleanliness or ease of care, but don't push it or she'll get annoyed.
Changing my turtles environment?
So now that I found somebody to take care of my turtle while im gone one vacation, im wondering if it would be safe to move my turtle from her bigger tank to a smaller one to bring to the person who is taking care of her. Is it okay to move her from one tank to another?
What you think of this video? i dno how i stumbled apon this video but i saw it n i thought it was a pretty good video does anyone know how he did it
Breakdance help? dancing to music help too :P?
I need help in breakdance..not really experienced in a few months and im learnin windmill..etc..and i realised that the only way to progress is to invent your own moves.etc..lots of people told me to just listen to the music and react..but mostly in toprock..i rlly dno how to listen and dance to it cos like..i got mini-sets in my head and i just keep doing those and i find it extremely hard to follow the music..any idea how i can help this? any answer is appreciated =]
H3LpPpPpP m333333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… =.(((((( ........?
alura...ciauz a tt!!!!!!!!!!! sn 1 rago di scoxia....3 tt i my compani mi ridono xk a skuola indoxo la gonna scoxese.............. =,( km dv fare???????????????????????? laltro gg m ano butato delacua .... OH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! ero cosi ungry...... my mum a rimprovera me xk penzava k ero stato io a baniare she odia me......................................… a dt k noy emigrati clandestini (k vo dire?????????????????) devono far bbravi italy.,,.............k dit? portare igor ankora gona???????? ciao
What does it mean if a guy does this ? does he like me?
yes he likes you alot prolly just give him a little more time since yall just met and he might be your bf one day and yess thats what us girls always do. and i understand because im 15 and have had like the same thing happen to me except the tipsey part lol
Guy walks past my bus stop most days?
how can i get his attention coz i aint that confident but ppl say i look like i check someone everyday dnno why coz i dnt check noone jus wnna check him because he looks nice bt dno wot to say or do ideas ?
My husband and I recently had sex 5 days after my intake of radioactive iodine.Will he be affected with the io?
Now, I'm no doctor, but I have heard the same thing, that you should stay away from people for about 2 weeks after recieving the RAI treatment. I am going to get half my thyroid removed in a month or so because it has a cancerous nodule, and everything im reading about the RAI option warns of the dangers of it. I also know of a woman at my church who received the RAI treatment, and about a week after, took her garbage out to the curb, then not long after got a call from the garbage facilities or whatever telling her that her garbage contained radioactive I would think it would be best to stay away from both your husband, other people, and important items, for a little while longer. I dont mean to scare you as the RAI im sure will wear off, but I do hope this helps in some way! Good luck!
Monroe piercing, cleaning help!?
whoever told you that is wrong no mouth wash with alcohol!! Clean it ever time you eat. Use the Claire's stuff for around it. Then of course the mouth wash. Oh no yeast, you could get a yeast infection if you eat anything with yeast and don't clean it properly.
Black ops mic question?
yes this is normal. it is just a technological difficulty when other people are talking or whenever!
Need help! Any muffing tips?
ok to muff a girl is to perform oral sex on her.. Bt i dno where exactly to put my tounge or anything.. Need detailed tips.. Plz..
How can I gain trust, respect and help someone through their hard times?
Family problems should be treated with care and respect, there must be communication, know how to negotiate, compromise and understanding. We must be reasonable
I screwed up with a really nice guy and i need help?
im 17 im one of those girls who gets screwed over, not the other way around, on new years this year i hooked up with this guy and he just forgot about me so i added his best friend whose 19 to talk to him about it n we got pretty close n he took me out for valentines day n got me a gifts n ive been to his house n he told me how amazing i was and how i deserved to be treated right n everything was going great until one weekend i was bored and my ex asked me to go to the beach with him my ex was still in love with me and hes really fragile and suicidal so i let him kiss me and he gave me hickies, and when i went to school the following day a mutual friend of the guy i was seeing saw them and i guess told him, the guy stopped speaking to me and at the time i didnt know why, at first i was confused because we wernt officially bf/gf or anything n didnt really understand why he was so upset, i eventually figured it out realised what id done and how much i would have hurt him cus i was told he was depressed and sitting by himself at a party over me and sent him an apology, i received no reply, on his birthday nearly a month ago i messaged him and unexpectantly he replied but we didnt talk for long, my ex then screwed me over so theres my karma, after telling me he still loved me turned up to the same party as me with another girl who i go to school with so screw him i never wanna speak to him again. ive been going crazy cus i havnt heard from this guy so two days ago i sent him a text asking if he wanted to catch up one day soon cus i miss him and want to apologise in person and to please think about it, he hasnt replied yet, n its driving me crazy, i lost an amazingly sweet guy n i want to prove to him that he can trust me and this was a one off thing where i was confused about my ex, i want a second chance but i dno where to go from here, or if he even is gonna reply to my text at all, he's not the type of guy where i can just turn up unexpectadly where he is either, his job involves him travelling in his car n yeh i dno, i really need advice cus i like him so much and i screwed up and ive never been so stupid or sorry in my life, this has been going on since the literal end of february btw, i feel so aweful cus hes so sweet and has been screwed over by girls before and he trusted me, im really impatient too which doesnt help :/ advice please guys im going crazy
Is there a specific delta-V for slingshot effect of a given planet/moon?
I'm pretty sure the orbital speed of the planet being used plays a major factor, which undoubtedly helped when Venus, (Mercury?). then Earth itself was used for (I believe) the Cassini probe to Saturn. The high speed of the planet being approached prolongs the time the craft is accelerating towards it. The notion that the velocity of the slingshot matters seems to be reenforced by what I've observed online in "My Solar System" I am pretty sure that there's a net acceleration relative to the world being used, because that world is decelerated just a little bit, freeing up laws of enegy conservation. Are there any sites that list the net delta-V of the various planets (or planet/moon combo),in the Solar system? By planet moon combo, Jupiter & its moon Io-it seems-could make a good double slingshot, combining Jupiter's massive gravity & Io's high "tow along" orbital velocity around Jupiter. Anyone know what the potential delta-V would be for Jupiter? I assume there are specifics somewhere in the equation, I'm not sure delta-V is that or not, but I don't see how it could be anything else. I assume there must be a maximum (net)delta-V for all worlds, although I'm sure the gravity well entry speed is a factor. The greater the initial speed entering the "G" well, the shorter the time accelerating because you pass through much quicker. But there must be an optimum dv potential.
Friday, July 22, 2011
What does 'obl' mean?
ok so let's just call them...melanie and courtney ok? melanie and courtney were sitting near ummm lets call him darren. out of no where darren asked one of them (i'm not sure who, they just told me he asked them...) so darren asked 'is your dad obl?' none of them know what this is, so they asked me but i dno O.o? if u can't think of it as something nice it's probably kinda mean cuz he is mean >.> they kept asking him what it was but we don't know, so do you have any idea's? oh and it might not be obl, maybe olb or somethn lol just have a guess. thnx
Where is the best place to put a tribal turtle tattoo?
I decided that my first tattoo is going to be a small tribal turtle. Its a memorial tattoo for my grandpa and its the one thing I inherited when he died, a small turtle necklace with a shell. Where would the best place be to put it in your opinion?
Should I hunt a young horse? when im only 13!! :/?
Hi im alex. and im 13. i hunt my dads 17.2hh hunter horse and i enjoy it very much!! ive jumped like 4ft hedges and stuff but my friend has recently asked me to hunt her 7 year old inexperienced pony who i use 2 own. i no him fairly well, but i dno wether to hunt him yet!! u see my friend wants to hunt him but she says she dosent have the confidence. what shld u do??
Will RockShox Dart 3's fit onto a Genesis IO bike?
The key measurement you're looking for here is the steer tube size and threading type. On most modern bikes (this one included) that's 1 1/8" thread-less. Most older bikes are 1" and threaded. The fork should fit just fine. That said, if you're going to be spending the money on a new fork, save up longer and get an air sprung fork. They're lighter, have more tuning options, and a better bump response. In my opinion the only people who should be riding coil sprung forks are downhill riders, but that's because they require more travel and a higher maximum load than can be provided by an air spring. For XC however, air is the way to go.
How much money would i get if io sold my old ps2, the first psp, and games?
I just want to know how much would i get if i sold my play station 2, ps2 games, my old psp (the first made), and the old ds at gamestop? i know i wont get much but just want to know??
What do you think about my A-levels im going to take?
Looking at that u should be fine, Maths is the major one you want to be good at if you want a job in eng/phys as there is a crap ton of maths involved, and it can get pretty complicated, i personally took phys/math/chem at a-level and got a job in engineering. its not easy but stick at if its what u want :)
Fish oscar at top!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
my lights been of for a few hours now and i just went to see my oscar and hes ontop of my heater i dno if hes sleeping or what i turned the light on and he just went back to bottom of tank is it normal for oscars to spend time at the top
Cant make up my mind?
I can't make up my mind if I want to get a behind the ear tattoo of a turtle or an industrial piercing. I only have money to get one done right now.
Do they sell snapping turtles in petsmart in Maryland?
Hi im about to buy a turtle and I want a snapping one and I wanted to know if it's legal to sell them in Maryland pet stores and how much it will be, but I already know how much the supplies will cost, but I really want one so can anyone tell me?
Why don't turtles eat frogs?
I have this two baby turtle, they are so cute and this expensive Beautiful rare beta yellow cost me $11.00 it had a flowing yellow fin soooo beautiful and 4 small shrimps 25 cent and two small frogs with plants, it was about two weeks. I turn to look at the Beautiful flowing yellow fin beta and there in horror was only the Beautiful yellow fin flowing, with no body! The turtles or monster eat the beta a week later I couldn't see the shrimp not one. The turtle had to have eaten them all left is the frogs, two small frogs, that been in there for months. Why didn't the turtles eat them the monsters. The turtle touch and swim next to them. I just want to know why don't they eat the frogs they ate about everything else. p.s. I knew turtle eat fish, but they were baby turtle, babies! THX
Casual clothes for a bboy?
Im a bboy atm and when i go out ide be in jeans..pretty big shoes(skate shoes)..etc...and like at parties if i would be asked to breakdance i wouldnt be able to dance well because my clothes would be too tight or my shoes would be too big and can i dress with style but still be able to bboy when im out? i know hard question but i dno how to phrase it well :s thnx =]
Where can doctors give you a IV or IO?
IVs are usually given in the veins in your arm. However it is not uncommon to get them in the neck, legs, or any other accessible area. IOs are given in your tibia.
I just shaved my face for the first time....HELP!?
okay so im a guy and i used an norelco electric razor. when i first started i couldnt really get any hairs but then eventually io did. but i still missed a lot of spots and i cant get them. also literally just above my upper lip i can feel hairs but i cant get them and my upper lip feels numb. i put moistuizer on it which helped a little but not a lot. PLEASE HELP!
My husband is having a MENTAL BREAKDOWN right this second!! do i call the police?? my parents?? what?
He has been up literally all night cleaning like a crazy person. Now that i try and talk to him and get him to calm down he starts screaming and yelling and walking back and forth. I"m scared he is like posssesssed or something!!! If i leave i risk permanently ruining our marriage. Same if i call my parents or the police and i dno't know if im' ready to do that. I need some time and space to think without this crazy person. I've locked myself in the bathroom to stay away from him. i'm terrified!!! please please please help!!!
Domanda per i ragazzi..?
sono molto presa da un ragazzo fidanzato da 3 anni con una ragazza per niente bella, mentre io, a parer di molti sono carina ,e credo ke la maggior parte dei ragazzi sceglierebbe me e non lei...allora mi kiedo perk� questo non avviene per lui...mi ha detto ke gli piaccio e ke ho un bel carattere ma continua a stare con lei.. come la pensate voi?? grazie in anticipo per la risposta :-)
How do these PC specs look?
everything looks great except for the wireless card. it weak so if your going to be far from the router it will be really slow.
I need some help some sort a pro or docter (personal question)?
Right recently well last weekend i had unprotected sex with this girl and a day or 2 later my head(glans penis) of my penis has been itchy like every 1-2hrs a day its only a itch everything else looks fine well... I dno if i see a little slight rash forming on the head could this be thrush or shld i take this serously? If so what could it be....? Mature answers please! And also some times the penis it self is itchy.
Laptop stopped recognizing recording devices, no longer picks up my voice?
I think it happens b'use of ur some problem in ur driver so reinstall ur driver s/w. If nothing is working then better option is restore ur sys.
I am not getting fil name of file on
i'm not entirely sure if this is needed as its built into the browser to display the filename when a download link is clicked.... but anyway, have you tried
Someone is crazy and scaring me for my friend?
Jeffrey Dahmer messed with animals at a young age...and then he ended up murdering like 17 people or something like that. Tell your friend to tell someone you guys trust, like an adult, cause this kid is going to have a rough life if he continues to act that way...
What is it like to feel a baby hiccup in your womb?
IO read this book an author wrote on her pregnancy an she kept talking about her baby hiccuping? What does that mean/ feel like??
Girlfriend cheated on me with her best friend and is confused about her sexuality what should i do?
My girlfriend cheatd on me with her friend who is a girl and we decided to take a break until she sorts her head out and im not sure how do deal with this and what if she decides she is gay then what do i do my heads a mess and i dno how to deal with this iv stoppd txtn her nd talkn to her to giv her space to herslef.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
What's a better costume?
So, There's a Costume party coming up, and I need a good (slightly sexy) costume! So I was thinking a Tiger, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (A sexy female edition of course) , or a Wolf, which sounds better? :]
Ayudenme panitas necesito ayuda de emergencia... plis �Quien me Ayuda?
necesito q me ayduan cn esta pregunta preguntona... lo q pasa es q hay una ni�ita q me gusta demasiado.... y ella lo sabe, quiero darle un video cn imagenes y musica pero algo q sea ahi..... q ah ella le encante.... plis necesito ayuda.... tengo el memories on TV 4.0.2 y no me coje el codigo de activacion q consegui.... ni ningun y lo instalo sobre el xp service pack 3..... bueno otra ayudita q quisiera pedirles ayuda es q de estos autores: Jean Carlos canela, Rakin y Ken Y, Camila, Los Ultimos de la clase, Daniel Betancourth, Tito el Bambino..... hay una musica q io le pueda poner al video en donde la musica le diga q io quiero ser su novio, q io la quiero, q ella me encanta o q quiero ser mas q su amigo....
Reptile Heat Rocks Safe for....?
Heat rocks are not at all submersible. No, it is not safe at all. Use a low wattage aquarium heater to heat the water, based on how much water you have in the aquarium. I will put a link to aquarium heaters in my source information below.
Can I glue spikes on my turtles back to make him look like bowser from super Mario bros?
I have a Mario action figure and I think it would be cool to have a real life bowser. Except my turtle has diabetes I think. Because it almost over dosed after eating a sugar cube. So is it ok if I do this.
Do i get bullied because im quiett?!!!!!!!?
You get bullied because somehow they've found stuff to pick on. It's nothing personal, they pick on anything. What keeps them bullying you is how you react to it. If you provide an amusing reaction, they'll just keep on at it. It's not easy, but it will make you strong. Try having a one-liner cutting response - eg "shut it fool" and then ignoring them and providing them with nothing else to go on. Walk out if necessary. If you have a one-liner in your head, then you can quickly cut someone down with it. I knew a guy, he was really fat and ugly, but he was cool and confident and sexy (somehow!) and he said the best way to deal with bullies is to make your response quick and cold - better a quick cutting response, than a very witty and well thought out slow response.
What Reptile or Lizard should i get next?
No snakes , no turtles , im looking for something colorful in kinda a rain-forest or a green environment , not to big , easy to care for , and something that you can handle sometimes (not a tokay gecko) also not too expensive , around the $300-$450 range. im thinking maybe a chameleon or a mountain horn dragon
What is you favorite car wash brand and which products do you use?
well, since, im a car detailer expert; since 1989; ive used everything. back in the 90's Meguiiars as my line, then i moved to muthers, which was really easier to use and created a brilliant shine. there is another product called liquid glass, oooo, also select a good polish, i like rain dance then add wax for a sinister shine. you can use glazes, wet shine, mirrored shine, 3m wax is great,a, turtle wax not so much unless ice is good. armor all the trim and tires first, this way you won't get armor all on the paint with a wax or just using a towel you can get the armor all off the body. i don't care what protectant you use, i just say armor all and people know what im talking about. the more you use the better it will look!
Best snorkling site at the great barrier reef?
You can search online for boating charters , there you can get some better options. I am attaching a link of fishing map. You can have a look at it. It will help you in locating a zone rich with variety of fishes.
Incompatible types - found java.lang.String but expected int?
you can switch only value type variables like int, char etc. but String is a class or a reference type. Since you are entering only one character you can use char clr; and clr =; and case 'B', within single quotes
Help with my blackberry?!? BA 10 pts?
I need to clean out in between the buttons. There's little white pasrticles everywhere and it irritates me. I don't think there's a way to take it apart but I dno? Or is there some tool I can use?
Does this make me bi?
When i was young like 9 years old i was a tomboy and i liked my girl cousin i dno what it was but she was so nice and sweet and i had a soft spot for her i use to think about kissin her n stuff. And she got a boyfriend and i was so upset anyway i moved on when i hit secondary school never liked any girls just boys now im 16 and i think i like my cousin again? I dnt no what it is just the connection she's a really nice person she's also a social worker. I had sexual thoughts about her before and its really awkward. I also liked my uncle when i was 13. What is this?
Crested geckos? Answers need alot of answers!?
Im going to get my gecko on this friday and we are leaving for a 2 mayb 3 day trip early this sunday morning. Will my new baby crested gecko be ok with some CGD in his bowl and a water dish or will the diet mold in 2-3 days.and without misting just a water bowl?And will my turtles be ok without food for 2-3 days they r baby not hatchling almost juvey. PLease make sure u know what ur talking bout so i dont come back to a dead gecko! wherever u found the page please give me the link so i can read were it says they wont die! thx
Could it be what I think? ?
Well the light/weird period could be because you're not taking your pills every day or at different times. That can mess up your period. The feeling sick thing might be in your head or could just be normal cramps. Getting a test is the only way to know for sure. good luck and i hope you get the answers you want :)
How to get a boyfriend !!!?
Heyy.. i dno like hw to get a boyfriend cause most of my life i have been in an all girls private school. its so hard!! please help
Is it ok to have a UVB light but not have a UVA light for my turtles?
I looked it up online and it seems fine. This sight posted below actually doesn't mention anything about UVA light. It only mentions UVB light and why turtles need it. I hope this helps.
My computer just freaked!?
I shut my laptop off an hour ago and when i booted it up just now,it went to a screen saying it shut down unsuccessfully and provided four options, three in safe mode, one saying start up normally. i clicked startup normally. it started to load, then said Preparing Desktop. it's never done that before. finally, it finished loading, but the desktop background was one of the defaults, not the one io had set. all my settings were reset. now, i can't pin anything to my taskbar and the start menu is blank. i tried to change my background, and it worked. or so i thought. the picture was set to fit to screen and was all stretched and blurry.i tried to center it, but the background stayed the same! what happened and what can i do to fix it?
I forget things alot!?
Today i wanted to get my bag and i went downstairs and i forgot it and i watched tv instead and fell asleep! This is getting to be a bigger problem to me every day and i keep forgetting. i have exams tomorrow and i dno wat to do if i forget how to write or i forget formulas and stuff?!? please help!!!
What should i do for a birthday party?
The first thing I would ask is what birthday is this? If it is a biggie, 16, 21 or maybe even 50th? You should do what will make you most happy, throw a themed party or have a small gathering at your favorite resturant. Have fun in what ever you chose!
Daughter wants me to come to her tea party?
with her teddy bears and her other stuffed animals. this is to happen after church tomorrow. i already had plans with my buddy to hit up the bars and get wasted though. i don't like tea nor do i like spendint time with my 3 year old daughter or her stuffed animals that's her mom's job but her mom is hanging out with her friends so i'm stuck.... do i leave her alone to haver the party, maybe have her aunt come over to attend the party and watch her, or should i go to this ******* party that won't be a sfun as hanging out with my buddy. i didn't want to have this kid so should i be stuck havuing to spend unnecessary time with her. isn't providing for her finanically enoug, i mean her mom cares for her and loves her, does she need me to do the same? please help io really don't weant to talk to a bunch of retards at this tea party tomorrow
What type of turtle is this?
It has 4 toes on back and 5 on the front my mom found it on the road near a small pond around central nj it has little orange bumps on it's legs it's shell has small indents which makes it look like there are misshapen pyramids on it's shell
Do you think i could be pregnant?
the same thing has been happening to me actually except i haven't been bleeding at all. i did tetst twice and both came back negative. so it may just be a reaction from ur body because u were inconsistent in taking the pills. it happens to people all the time. if ur used to taking a pill the same time every day then switch it up, ur body reacts. but i would take a test just to be safe
Is it over between us?
Me and my boyfriend have been goin out for a little while now and he's in france now. He seems distant. He used to always say I love you. Now he just says sme if i say i love you to him. And he doesnt say he misses me. This all came about when he left for france. He cried when I had to go home. But now that he's in france its like 'yea girlfriend dont matter anymore'. And i asked if he was looking forward to comin home and he said dno. And when i asked how he was he said 'im eh fine'. please sum1 tell me if its over? whats should i do?!
Best PS3 Wired USB Headset?
Price is NOT a problem. i am looking for a WIRED headset for the best quality and experience for online gaming. i have seen the turtle beach px5 but that requires disposable batteries annoyingly. ONE thing i want for it is the ability to hear the game as well as mic chat through the headphones. And of course the option of MIC MUTE with dual volume controls 1 for microphone chatter and the other for in game play.
My turtle needs to advise!?
you sholdn't really spend your money on a 10 gallon tank. I have 2 red eared slider turtles who in a tank now my father and i are making an out door pond with a cage for them for shelter. It has cinder blocks all around and a broken rabit hutch for shelter. All we need to do right now is dig a hole in the ground and put a bowel of water so my turtles can swim and they'll have a place to rest and sun bathe. The sun's heat is better for them than a heating lamp. Turtle's always need a place to rest not only for warmth and sun light but for their health too. Turtles who live too much in water and have no resting place or light could get sick or shell rot. They could even get a pyramid shell which can never go away. My turtles are girls and came from a terrible pet store. We found dents and scratches on their shells from being thrown around by cruel people. Keep in mind that the boy turtles have longer claws than the girls. So if your going to use my advise and build one out doors make sure it's secure enough for her not to get out or preditors to get in. Turtles need alot of love and affection, like if they start to climb around the sides near you it means the want attenion. Turtles are knida picky when it comes to eating. They can eat worms, meal worms, and rod flooding sticks. If you have a special food that you give her make sure it's small or big enough for her to swallow it and once in awile give her meal worms as a snack for nutrions. Make sure if you have gold fish you want alive if you let them swim with your turtles make sure she is not hungry or else she start to eat the fish. And pay attention to your turtle alot even in a outdoor pen that do need alot of love.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Will the shell of a red eared slider, a very young one, fill back in if it's been chipped off?
A turtle, like many other reptiles, has the ability to regenerate severed or damaged body parts, it will probably grow fully back in a couple days.
How much does a 2x4 8ft long cost?
im building a treefort and i have the the floor down and every thing but that was with wood we already had now i have to go out and by some but io want to now about how much money its ganna cost
Why did she do this .? ?
Oka im a girl an i really dno y this happend. Why i was goin deep into this girl and she was sayn ma name and all and she started to cry. Why did she cry .? :( she said she was oka but wat happend.
What bmx should I get?
Justice is good but i like mongoose magnetic,not sure if they sell anymore. Bought mine 8 years ago and still rides perfect and looks amazing. PS. make sure you wash it sometimes and dont leave it in the rain. It will keep rust away.
I can no longer hear game chat while in a party on my turtle beach px21's how do i fix it?
When i first bought my turtle beaches from a friend i was able to hear game chat while i was in a party. Now for some reason after changing nothing i can no longer hear the game chat while in the parties. Im playing on the Xbox 360 and i have no instruction manual. Thanks for the help.
5 month old type 1 anery boa constrictor... i recently noticed her making weird sounds at night so i watched her and she seems to be opening her mouth and what looks like gasping for air every now and then, sounds like shes sneezing... theres also black mucus coming out of her nose... please only people that know what there talking about answer!!! ive been searching to see if the mucus is her excreting salt through her nose like many reptiles do but i dno if boas do ??? it may be a respiratory infection ? help please any1 have any ideas what this is ?????
How do i get mt sound on my computer back?
go to and look for audio drivers u had in it n search for them. dell will let u download from theri website free drivers. just as long as ur computer is their operating system.
Should I hunt a young horse? when im only 13!! :/?
Hi im alex. and im 13. i hunt my dads 17.2hh hunter horse and i enjoy it very much!! ive jumped like 4ft hedges and stuff but my friend has recently asked me to hunt her 7 year old inexperienced pony who i use 2 own. i no him fairly well, but i dno wether to hunt him yet!! u see my friend wants to hunt him but she says she dosent have the confidence. what shld u do??
Do i get bullied because im quiet in school!!!!?
Exactly, they envy you and are jealous, that's why, they want you to hate yourself, please tell them to stop being idiots, in a good manner, like 'Could you please stop being a f.u.cking idiot? thank you' then go back to your activities.
My puppy is way to attached?!?! Help?
I got a puppy and he is 10 weeks old. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. He is a black lab. He is actually doing quite well on potty training. When he goes potty outside i reward him with a treat and about 15 minutes or so of playtime and then i put him back in his crate. But as soon as i put him in there of course he whines. In the fifteen minutes of free time/play time he does not leave my side. In the crate he will whine for awhile and then go to sleep. I have to be sitting where he can see me for him to stop whining. I always try and get up real slow and cautiously as even if my knee or ankle does a little crack he wakes up and sees that i am not there and whines. I have roommates upstairs and i go to work each day and he literally barks and whines from the time i leave until the time they can't take it anywhere upstairs and they come down and let him out. They say to put him in the crate and back up until he starts whining. and then come back. and keep repeating that until you can leave the room. Well what if as soon as i put him in there i dno't have time to even back up a step before he is whining and barking. I literally need to be in visible range for him to stop whining and settle down. How do i break this. I hate the use of shock collars or muzzles. I have always had labs before but they were always outside dogs. My fiance is a believer that none should be kept outside so this is my first time trying to train a dog to be inside. but during the day while i am at work just for the time being would a muzzle help the bark and just keep it to the whining. Thanks
Will my hermit crab kill my turtles?
Well I want to get a hermit crab but the problem is I have 2 pretty large baby turtles that are about 1 yr old i think! is it a good idea to keep them together or should I keep them with my fish and if i keep them with my fish will the crabs kill them. more importantly are there claws big and will they pinch me? I KNOW THIS IS LONGGGGG SORRY
Im really confused and need help badly :/!?
Well, this girl likes me but i dont like her back. i used to talk to her everyday day just say as a friend but she did not. she told eveyone she liked me and i turned her down. we stopped talking for months and now on facebook she started talking to me! im talking back but does she still like me?! shall i tel her i dno!
My friend turtles water heater broke?
the water is very cold she scared she might freeze shes just a baby what should she do can she keep him out of the water and put him in a box with a blanket untill she gets a new one
Turtle Questions!!!!!?
So i just got a turtle i found it out side its a red-eared slider what can i use for a basking area untill i can get one from the pet store im going one day this week to get one i just want him to have one now so hes not stuck in the water all day or can u get one at wal mart?
Help me please :( ?? ..( especially if ur a guy) but girls can answer too plz?
Find a random guy (make sure he's clean) play around with him a little (not just sexually if you don't want to, but at least kissing, petting) have a good time, then after that hang out with some girl friends and you'll meet someone new one day that'll make you say what was his name again???
The best dance style to go with breakdance is?
Im a bboy and im 15 gonna be 16 this year..ive been bboyin for about 6months till now. I always wondered what type of dance style goes with breakdance..most of the people who come to lessons of breakdance with me do hiphop to go with it..but i dont really like the style exactly..though will it go with breakdance? I personally think street dance goes better but i dno..what do any of you think?
How to change my mood :( ?
I randomly turned sad dno how come lool i dno .. I feel like crying D: help i wanna cheer up .. :( just dunno how to v.v ..
Turtle egg identification?
Rebecca, I may be wrong but I believe you have bird eggs. turtle eggs are usually soft, round, and buried.
How can I politely tell an adult to not use retarded?
So my driver instructor used retarded today in class out of the correct context. However, because IO am only a teen I felt out of place telling her to please not use the word. I try hard to get kids/teens to stop using gay/retarded, but I clam up around adults. How can I say politely not to use those words.
I want to find a book, but I don't remember the name!?
its as a small children's chapter book about a young girl who was always afraid of a house but finds out a young witch lives there... or something like that. I don't remember much of the details but the witch ends up having to turn into a turtle... and is an invisible turtle at one point and manages to get into some ink...
Pimple or a cold sore bottom of my lower lip?
so today i noticed a pimple on the corner of my lower lip. but i remember my friend geting a cold sore that looks like mine and i said if he kissed a girl and he sai dno sometimes it comes randomly. so is it a pimple or a cold sore and how do i treat it?!
Where did semi-aquatic animals stay during the Noah flood?
Most semi-aquatic animals require time in the water and on land to survive. Animals like Hippopotami, Seals, Platypus, Beavers, and many turtles.
Why does this girl hate me?
i don't know u have to get worry about her.... maybe she is just jelous of the way u r she is fright of the way you are coz maybe she is not happy about herselves...if i can...i would suggest u to keep on living ur life as u r doing and u don't have to watch how she treats you only by this way u will show her who is stronger of!
Ritalin withdraw????
ok so im on ritalin i do have adhd im not an addict or anything like that so this is how i experience ritalin i take 1 pill after halfhour or so i feel just reallyy good like im all like peaseful and just want pease in the world and i getalittle chatty lol but after like 8 hours or so i feel terrible just horrible my feets will get num and dno just a withdraw.. why is that? and why do i enjoy being on ritalin?
Can turtle beach x31 be used on wii?
I have the Xbox 360 and turtle beaches X31. Can I use my turtle beaches on the wii by connecting the usb cable to the wii? Will they Wii supply the power for the Turtle beaches transmitter?
Why do i keep getting disconnected from my internet? (aol)?
i have aol broardband silver nd it was alwayz have been a good internet service ovr the laast 4 years til october. i went away to blackpool came back a week aftr and the internet keeps disconnectin me ever since. i have complained it too aol 3 times b ut they keep messing around with my router settings and also reset my router twice but the problem comes back. they dno wa it could be. do you fink it could be my phone line which is BT ? would it b worth ringing them up? because the middle green light on my router keeps turning yellow and starts flashing then turns green then turns yellow again blinking now and then which disconnects me from the internet any advice would be greatful and also i have no interferrence from other sources.
I am looking for an old rare rpg computer game?
my memory is very foggy but here is the best description you start out the new game in a small town of course and the main character is ryu who has blue hair (and no it is not blue flame I have checked it out) and his best friend who has blonde hair I am sorry I do not remember his name. Ryu is a swordsman and the blonde hair dude is a magician. In the benniging you are headed to a castle I forget why but ether it is for a party of ryu wants to marry the girl inside(princess most likely) but before that you must slay a deamon in the cellar after you kill the deamon two (time travelers) one is a big tan guy who has a massive beer gut and the other a prince supossibly the big guys uses sand storm which kills you immeditaly. Oh an in this rpg there is no world map that i recall. After this you are back home and head north to a cave and fight a turtle to get a necklace then head south and run into a dragon which tells you defeat me and 7 other to gain some speacial thing. Oh and ALL BOSS BATTLES START WHEN YOU STEP ON A PENTAGRAM. Thanks guys for you help I really appreciate it!
What about this baby turtle? Please help! ):?
Okay, this guy likes me & he went to the mexican mall & I said Ooo buy me something! :D & he actually did. Lol but he got me a baby turtle. It's in a little cage & he brought food for it. I want to put it in a bigger cage but I don't know if it's tap water or bottled water & should I wash my hands before touching it? It's light green with orange on its neck. Please help!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Im failing my Gcses :(?
they is just too much to do, i ent gt long left in yr 11 and i just got tolds by my ict teacher that im failing and i dno what to do tbh, ive taken loads of work home and she didnt give me a pass for simple things i hate the ict teacher
I have a patch of brownish/red on my penis?
I've had it for a while And im scared because im only 13 it worrys my mind everyday I dno what to do Im scared to tell my parents or brother and dont wanna go to doctor HELP! :[
Question about turtles and lighting?
Me and my family are leaving for a three day trip to see my brother. I have an aquatic red eared slider turtle and we can't find a proper timer for his fluorescent light. Would it be dangerous to leave it on for the full three days we are gone?
Divinity 2 help??????
I have the game for the 360 my problem is gettn to turn into the dragon were do i go to recieve these powers ive defeated the dragon in maxo's temple etc nw im at this island trying u hire ppl bt ive to climb this tree thing which has a boat on top of it bt i need to be in dragon form to reach it and i dno were to go to become this dragon help plz!!
Plz answer this? i really need sme advice one answers me.. im sorry tht its long but plz, i need help?
All I can say is that if he truly loved you nobody would come between you. Get over it and move on, he does not care enough or in the right way.
How to start a petrol pump in karnataka?
i have a land of my own want to know how much capital io need to invest to start a new petrol pump and the paper work relating the same.
Aah, my laptop was smoking and now it won't switch on?
You have fried it my friend, you were lucky it did not catch fire. There are several clues as to the cause in your question - you wrote " think the power jack was ruined cos when i would attempt to charge the laptop, i'd have to place it ina certain position and not move the laptop which was such a pain." this suggests the connection on the mainboard is broken. There has been a short circuit and this has caused the smoke when the connection burnt out, you may find the charging adapter is damaged as well. I would not waste your money on a repair you are going to need a new mainboard and this is the most expensive component in your laptop. You are better off buying a new laptop, save the hard drive from your old one and buy a 2.5" USB enclosure and use it as a back drive for your new laptop.
Would it be dumb to have a wedding reception 2 years later?
Me and my husband had a quick little wedding ceremony in our church with just our families. I wore nice clothes, but not a wedding dress and all that stuff. I loved our wedding and I wouldnt change it. It was stress free and just intimate, plus the thought of me walking down the isle and everyone watching me scares me a little. Our 2nd anniversary is on a saturday. We told people we would have a big wedding later, but I kinda just wanna do what everyone really goes to weddings for-the reception :) Or is that weird? IO wanted a wedding cake and I wanted to wear a wedding dress but idk. Ideas??
Is my ex's behavier towards me normal?
You should be the better person and walk away who knows maybe there is someone else or she just didnt want to get hurt maybe you should just move on
Can I treat my kitten to raw chicken?
I have a 2 month old kitten and I wanted to know if once or twice a week ( after freezing the meat, then thawing it on the table) I been trying to find a good treat for him, since the turtle gets fish friday. I'm looking up cat diets and they say raw meat is best. he doesn't have his shots yet and I worry about salmonella, and all that jazz, that comes from raw meat......advice. I tried to go on vets on line but they wanted $18 for a question...what a rip off.
In measuring the speed of light, the difference in eclipse times for Jupiter's moon, Io, is measured. If an ec?
In measuring the speed of light, the difference in eclipse times for Jupiter's moon, Io, is measured. If an eclipse occurs 24 minutes later than expected, and Earth's orbital diameter is 3.0x10^11m, calculate the speed of light.
Is this normal ex behavier?
She seems to be very hurt. Give it some time and see if she comes around. If not, it's a loss cause and you should just move on with your life. There is no use in being treated that way. There are plenty of people in this world that will love you for you.
Does this make me a bad person? :(?
There is this girl that I am 99% sure likes me. And she doesn't hide the fact, she's a god damn stalker. And she's not even funny or anything, she's just so awkward around me, it's kind of creepy! Anyways, she will always start up the worst conversations with me to which I reply with usually one word in an extremely monotone voice just to push this point across "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. LEAVE ME ALONE." and then she just kind of retracts like a turtle into a shell. And... I know everyone should be treated nicely but c'mon, if a girl likes a guy then don't be a massive creeper to the point where you're staring at him for a solid 30 seconds from the front of the room when I'm in the back... And she's not even attractive! And whenever I completely blow her off it makes me happy that she leaves me alone. I mean if she asked me out I wouldn't hesitate saying no, and I wouldn't say it nicely either. I'm usually such a nice person! I don't know what it is about her that makes me HATE her! Does this make me a bad person? :O thanks!
Wot is dry sex like xplane plz?
Well it hurts like a *****, it just means he wants you to be dry down there and thats hard to do unless your either really really drunk or on pills and extremely dehydrated.
WHAT BOOK CAN I READ preferably based on movies!?
The Percy Jackson series. The Vampire Academy books are set to become a movie. Also Tomorrow When the War Began.
Need some advice with jealousy towards my girl.?
aight so i been goin out with my girlfriend for about 2months now, n shes the best thing thats ever happend to me. im only 17 years old btw n so is she. so heres how it is, shes really popular n i used to be ever since we started datin i kinda lost most of my good friends, n so did she. she has alot of guy friends everywhereee girls aswell, but mainly guys. everytime we go out she always sees em i dont get jealous of that, well some guys i do get jealous of. but mainly i get jealous when she wants to go out on a friday night or saturday whatever with her girlfriends to a party or somethin, n when i find out its like i dno, i feel really jealous but kinda upset in a way, because 1. shes goin to a party drinking or like to the city for late night n shes gonna meet up with guys aswell, coz her friends are single so they wana mingle. to be honoust i dont want her to go because of the guys n i dont really get along with some of her girlfriends n theyre the types that jus go out looking for guys to talk to n whatever 2. i jus get really jealous when she talks to guys whether it be facebook or in person, i hate this feeling...... it makes me feel like ****. i do trust her but i dno i always have doubts. deep down inside im sayin to myself, what if. i dont want to tell her "no your not going out tonight partying" coz i mean what kind of boyfriend does that.. i dont really hang out with my friends coz im always with her, plus i dont really have many friends... i know its kinda sad but i lost them. what do u think i should do to handle the jealousy issue? thanks alot!
What sorta Mountain Bike should i get?
hey i recently thought i should start getting fit for summer and i live on the south coast of spain and have ridden along it before and loved it last night i was thinking i should get a new bike and start getting fit as i love riding off road i used to do motocross so i thought i should give mountain bikeing ago but dno what bike to get i wanna spend around 200 to 300 euros on one i want somin that's light comfy can handle jumping preferably with disc brakes any suggestions on what i should get ???
Problema con samsung wave!?
salve io ho un samsung wave.. il primo che � uscito quello con lo schermo super amoled.. io provo a scaricare appvdallo store di samsung( ad esempio vorrei scaricare brother in arms che ha tipo 3 mb di memoria) ma mi continua a dire che la memoria � insufficente premetto che h una scheda da 4GB, ho cancellato alcune app ma niente... dove sbaglio??? 10 pt al primo che mi risolve il problema!
Correct my Italian please (it's short!)?
L'estate � quasi qui! Io dico vite tutto. La scuola � finita, e gradi trovi Non c'� nulla di cui preoccuparsi ora.
Lyric ideas about friendship? Anything? Plz!?
I promised my best guy friend that for his birthday I'd write him a song but I'm horrible at writing anything that's not a cheesy love song and I'm so stuck for what I have a few crap lines but idk what else to do! I have to have it finished in a week. Any ideas no matter what they are would be greatly appreciated! If it helps he calls me bacon bits and I call him turtle. He lives 2/3hrs away and is a year younger then me he turns 15 this year. Anything? Anybody?plz!!
I need help fishing for Florida gar?
I just started fishing for Florida gar in my lake. I used to fish for bass. But now I wanna mix it up. I tried using cut up bait but there is too any snapping turtles. Does anyone know how I can make it so I won't get bothered by the snapping turtles but still catch gar. like a different bait or something
Monday, July 18, 2011
Should I go for light pinkish walls?
Hi! I am 32 and have hot pink accessories in my bathroom, so you are never too old for hot pink! You can get some lovely very very pale pinks so its only just obvious it is pink which would look lovely, the other colour suggestion, which I uesd in my bathroom is a colour called taupe which is a very light grey - with a slight pink hint. Have a look and see what you think, good luck!
Il mio ragazzo � cafone secondo voi?
eravamo a casa mia, io lui ma anche un p� di amici e siccome si era fatta ormai l'ora di cena abbiam deciso di chiamare in pizzeria per farci portare delle pizze.. tuttavia solo io, lui e mio padre la abbiamo presa e, al momento di pagare, mio padre � uscito e ha fatto tutto col ragazzo del domicilio senza neanche dirci quanto era il totale. Ovviamente per una pizza mai e poi mai mio padre si sarebbe sognato di chiedere ma neanche di accettare dei soldi, per� non pensate che il mio ragazzo avrebbe dovuto fare qualcosa, come si dice "fare almeno la mossa"??? sarebbe stata solo una questione di forma che secondo me andava fatta. e ora devo dirglielo??? devo far notare che sono rimasta un p� male? p.s. aggiungo che i miei non mi hanno detto n� fatto notare la cosa, forse perch� pensano che sia stata anche una mia iniziativa quella di dire MA FIGURATI, cosa che avrei anche fatto se perlomeno ci fosse stata la sua iniziativa. ciao grazie
Help me! Or I will die!?
I feel like I wanna die. Every one hates me. I don't recognise myself in the mirror (literally) I keep having LOADS of da ja vus and I keep having dreams that come true. I'm sooo sad and evil. It's like my body isn't me but I can't control it and I only realise what damage I have done after I've done it. I think I have that derealisation (dno if I spelt it right) thing or somin and my mind is making me not realise who I am because it is it's way of dealing with everything that's happened - making it seem unreal. Half the time I feel like I'm not awake and everything really is unreal and I am living some big dream or in a coma or somin. Is really anything real??! And my brother has tried to murder me because I drove him mad and he apparently tried to commit suicide and he also has heart problems from the stress. HELP ME! THE ONLY REASON I DON'T KILL MYSELF IS BECAUSE IM SCARED BECAUSE I KNOW I WILL GO TO HELL!
Just brought a nikon 50mm lens but the thing inside it won't open?
Is this an older lens? I have seen people with older Nikon's have this problem. Set your F-Stop all the way open (little number) and turn your camera off and on. Not sure if that will fix it but I saw this work for someone else before.
Turtle Beach PX21 or Plantronics Gamecom X95?
not sure which one to choose, both look awesome...please help! Right now I like the looks and features of the gamecom's more than the turtle beach's but worried about its sound quality.
I love him but should i leave?
i have been with my boyfriend for 20months. during the relationship, despite him saying he tries his hardest to make me happy, i am really paranoid & have major trust issues with him & i constantly feel like he doesnt care about the relationship, i know most of it is because of me, my depression and bad past relationships but alot of it stems from him too. 5 months into our relationship he went to a house party he told me he was tempted to cheat on me, swapped numbers with a girl, arranged to go see her with his friends, slept in the same bed as her & spent the next day with her & jis pal, hes made me feel inadiquate to his ex a number of ways, callin me her name, paying for her to go on holiday yet telling me to pay for us both if i wanna go away which makes me feel he isnt too bothered, made an effort for her valentines day yet didnt even manage to get me a card & also i found loads of naked/underware photos of her on his old phome despite never takin one of me. I was diagnosed with aplastic anemia & the weekend inwas goin to have my treatment he was, until we argued.. going to go amsterdam the same day, it made me feel very uncared for. all these things have stripped away my confidence, i feel unattractive and like a bad person/girlfriend. He told me yday he was going away to the night with friends to stay at a house, i tokd him i was uncomfy with it considerin whAt hes done & the fact i dno hu lives there, boys, girls? and he said im controlling. i admit im so paranoid of him going out as im scared itl happen again because infeel he doesnt value me or r relationship for the reasons i stated above. i love him so much but i dont know if im hanging around for someone who doesnt really care?
Turtles acting weird?
my turtle has been acting really weird. She was floating upside down but wasn't dead even though she looked like it. after i turned her right side up she swam across the tank and started swimming into the glass, she wont eat and it looks like she wanted to turn upside down again. whats wrong with her?
What do I do about this?
I've got a friend who I'm not that close 2 but am still friends with, I've tried being closer but she refuses to. She keeps fainting and she's got this big secret whom shes told everyone in our friendship grp but me, I don't know y. and now there all talking about it and I'm not allowed to know cos its "personal stuff" and I mean I know its selfish but I just can't help feeling left out and unhappy. I'm a good lisner so i dno y she dsnt tell me i even straight out askd her. then they all askd me whether i "knew" so i paniked and sed yh and she din tell me anything and now well its all a BIG mess nd I dno what to do??
Which pair of turtle beaches should i buy?
Iv been wanting a pair of turtle beaches for a while beaciuse everyone says you can hear were everyone is and stuff on modern warfare 2, a couple of my friends have x11 but one of my friends says I should get x41, iv heard a lot of good and bad about them both but I don't anyone that has x41 so if anyone can help...
Tongue Piercing - How Old - UK -?
No you shouldn't need her consent. Except in some circumstances (genital piercings, and microdermals in some shops) the age of consent for piercings is 16 in the UK; you shouldn't have a problem.
How to raise turtle from egg without incubator?
The below site should help you with your turtle egg problem, a word of caution, if this happens to be a "Mud or Snapping Turtle" ?take care as they are fast moving and dangerously aggressive. Once huge enough to eat they make a great meal or soup depending on how you like Snappers. Be careful not to let this turtle bite you and he or she can snap off your fingers, hand, wrist or arm. Once they bite they won't let go of you until the bite is complete. There eggs are larger than other land turtles so they are easy to tell apart.
What are some of the longest living animals out there?
And how long to turtles/tortoises live for?? I remember in finding nemo, he asks the turtle his age and he said a high number(120yrs old I think?) and then he said "and still young". How long do them bad boys live for? And what other animals live long??
How to program io remote w/ Proscan TV?
I have an iO silver DVR remote. I tried following the instructions in the manual and online, but none of the codes worked. I also tried the auto programming method and still nothing worked. I've lost my TV's regular remote, so I have no way to turn the TV on or off or adjust the volume unless I press the buttons on the side of the TV. What can I do?
I sold a computer on ebay and they said it did not work?
hello i sold a computer on ebay that worked when i sent it i tested it many times and when the buyer got it they said it did not work so i got it to be sent back and i examined it and i discovered that the io shield was missing a different motherboard was in it and there was no cpu in it or hardrive what should i do
How's my rap? for a begginer?
pretty good, I don't rap but I observe how a lot of rappers construct their lyrics. Try not to rhyme things so closely together try making a more detailed sentence about something THEN rhyming it. Also, it doesn't have to rhyme exactly the same it can be something like this "I smile and Im pleasant, the weed is the essence" this is from "Kid Cudi-Cudderisback". The ess in pleasant and essence have the same sound but the words don't rhyme they kind of flow you know what I mean?? Anyway I know I don't rap at all but it looks real good for you
Im contacting turtle beach about a broken headset, what should i say?
my x11's broke recently where it swivels on the left side, also the cable snapped. if i wanted to use it i'd have to hold it up to my head. im new to any customer support like this, i have the email, but don't know what to say?
How to boost my confidence?
I'm a 16 yr old girl in the UK. I've got a good groupa friends n I'm very sociable. When I'm out I kinda put on a front of being some loud, outgoing girl but I dno why. No one would believe I have confidence issues but I do, I just hate everything about myself especially my body as I'm overweight. I just wanna know how I can boost my confidence about myself in some way..
What is the best film out these please?
What film is the best out of these need to no for a horror film a week me and my friends do and my choice is this week and I can't chose between: the exorsist or exorsims dno wich it is, the exorsism of emily rose,the last exorsism or cannible holacost
DVR questions?? (service provider- cablevision)?
I have cablevision io (the extended package with the movie channels) if that makes a difference at all. I was wondering what would be better for that **tivo** or **dvr for io** (how much is each per month)? What are the differences in price? In quality (how well does each work and up to how many hours can each record, does one do more than the other)? Thanks.
My friends friend says weird stuff to her?
you should tell a school counselor about it, they'll be able to step in and do something if they are concerned about it. He hasn't hurt anyone and doesn't have any plans to it may be nothing.
Has my boyfriend cheated?
my boyfriend was going out last saturday night and when i sat next tohim before he went out it looked like he had a condom in his pocket and when he had left i went upstairs and looked in his drawer because there was one always there and it was gawn i just felt so sick i confronted him and he thought i was on about something else but it asnt till the next day he knew what i was really on about he acted calm and said i should have trusted him and shouldnt have went thru his drawers bt i thought i saw it he came down that night but we hardly spoke them monday night came and he came down we ended up having a big arguement he said iam ****** up in the head and parranoid but i trusted him 110% and now i dno what to do i feel sick and have hardly ate please help
Italian past tense :S ?
I don't know much about Italian but the past tense of dance is "ballato". Hope I could help.
My dog is a killing machine. Why?
I used to have two pomeranians. Zeneth and Zorro. They were really attached to each other. They had puppies together and the male, Zorro, guarded Zeneth and the pups and even brought her food. Zorro was older than Zeneth, and when he got too old to defend his food from other dogs Zeneth helped him. They got depressed if they were apart. Last winter Zorro passed on in his sleep and Zeneth led me too him. When I buried him, she saw me and would not let me touch her for a week. She still goes out to his grave and visits him. (Strange, I know.) After he died she started killing. Rabbits, baby pigs, chickens, my pet duck, a baby goat, my dog's puppies, a kitten, squirrels, my neighbor's dachsund, goldfish,pet birds, frogs, a baby stork,(dont ask) an opossom, turtles, and anything else she can catch. She isn't even allowed in the room with my chihuahua. Her eyes turn solid black and she starts breathing hard and you just know she's about to kill. Is this because Zorro died? She still looks for him when we say his name.
Heklp! I giot water ion my kleybioard,. hiow dio io fiox iot?!?
io thiought a water biottkle was cklased and shiooilk iot,. and ciokld water giot ion my kleybioard,. io thiought iot was just a biot but niow iot wiont type rioght! Heklp!!!!
How do you make a person who hates you like you?
I knew a guy since 5th grade. We hated eachother from Day 1. He thot I talked too much, & he used to insult me often by calling me a stalker & telling me to shut up & go away. In 6th grade, around march I started liking him. 1 day I kissed him, but it was for a split second. His only response was 2 angrily ask me if I was gay. After that, things were normal as according to before between us. We did contests, cuz we were rlly competitive. Then suddenly he started sneaking up on me & when I turned he would look into my eyes 4 some time then leave. Eventually there was this big thing where he blackmailed me into being quiet otherwise he would tell my best friend I kissed him, but eventually he wrote it "She ALMOST kissed me" on a piece of paper and gave it to her in front of me. In 7th grade he never talked to me, but we shared a class together. Then I found out that I'm moving 12 miles away. My best friend asked me if she could tell him & I said yes. She told him & he offered her a moldy apple (?). L8r she told him again & he said, "Oh. where?" Now I'm going to 8th grade and io really really like him and miss him a lot, but I know I won't ever see him again. He doesn't read my emails. He blocked on FB. He actually said I should get 1 in 6th grade (when I hated him) and I did and one day he messages me about my wall post and I hadn't even told him I got an FB. Then he sent me a request after messaging a bit, saying to accept becuz chatting is easie than mssgin. I accepted. In summer my FB got disabled for no reason. I friend requested everyone again, and he denied then after a few months blocked me. Also, when I asked him how he found out about my FB he said he saw on his newsfeed that 1 of my friends had friended me & he clicked on my name cuz he was bored. Turns out my friend had never friended him, so both of us weren't mutual friends of his, & I had 4 friends, so I couldn't have been on his newsfeed. My friends say he's a jerk, but I rlly lyk him. Wat shud I do?
Can anyone help me with my future?
I don't think you need to decide right now. Keep your grades up, so your options are open. Some of your friends might actually do what they say they want to do. Most have no clue and are not half as honest as you. Add that to your attributes.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Can you put a male turtle and a female turtle in the same tank without them mating?
This may sound like a stupid question, but I'm very new to owning turtles and I'd like to get another RES for my RES baby to have company. The problem is you can't tell the gender of turtles when they're little, but there are places that have gender specific turtle babies so I don't want to get a male slider if the one I have is a female.
Running multiple onloads on the same page?
Not really getting what your saying but you have to tell the computer when you change scripts and what you are using
Girls, I REALLY need your help!!Should I give her another chance? Is she playing with me? MSN convo added?
Im a girl and I say yeah maybe she is going through some bad things that was making her feel like she doesnt need anyone and stuff beecause i feel like that sometimes when upset and have bad day you know give her one more chance even if she didnt talk to you in 2 years forgive and forget :) ok give her another chance but in them 2 years was she sad? she doesnt seem sad...but she seems like shes sorry you know so forgive her and best of luck :)
Do you think i could be pregnant?
It definitely sounds like you are pregnant. You are having all the symptoms. Yes, you can test now. If you do end up getting a negative, you can test again in another week or so. I wish the best for you and hope you are. :)
Im failing my Gcses :(?
they is just too much to do, i ent gt long left in yr 11 and i just got tolds by my ict teacher that im failing and i dno what to do tbh, ive taken loads of work home and she didnt give me a pass for simple things i hate the ict teacher
Yahoo notepad not opening?
when io try to click on it it doesnt open i get an error like Cannot connect to server
How can my turtle heal faster?
my turtle was bit by my other turtle right on the neck, and there's some torn skin and it's very scratched up. it happened days ago so whatever bleeding has clot, but i don't know if it's better to leave him out of the water, or in. help me :(
Why does my red earred slider only lay one egg?
I have to red earred sliders. One is a male and one is a female. When I saw the egg I went to go grab a box full of soil to put the egg in. When I came back my boy turtle was eating the egg. Is this unhealthy for the boy turtle? In the past my girl turtle has only layed one egg. Every time an egg is layed it is eaten by my boy turtle..... why is this? When will my turtle lay another egg? (By the way the single egg was fertile.)
Adult 6" cichlid and tankmate?
Since cichlids require salt in there tanks I wouldnt suggest a turtle or community fish. I'd suggest a smaller cichlid
How do i take care of two baby red slider turtles?
i have them in a pet carrier im in nyc im going back to ohio brooklyn and will thery survie on 9 hours of car ride i have 3 filters at home n4 tanks one has nothing in it im puttinyg them in there it is a 55 to 65 gallon tank what filter i heard to buy a filter more than twice of the gallon tanks so what do i feed them all the advice u can give me oh ps can u tell me in steps how to set up the tanks thanks for all the answers
Do u think i could be.....?
Even if he pulls out his pre-***(sperm that comes out before ejaculation) can still get you pregnant if you miss a period then you have to take a test or go to the doctor there is no other way to find out if you are pregnant.
Cat bit me..!..... HELP!!!?
Not trying to scare you, but my Dad's cat once bit him on the hand. His hand ended up swelling up to three times its normal size. He went to the emergency room and ended up having to be put on IV antibiotics in the hospital for 3 days. Cats' mouths are full of bacteria. Keep your eye on the cut and be sure to wash it out with hydrogen peroxide and then put something like Neosporin on it.
Itchy bite sort of marks on my stomach and back?
i have these 3 blemishes on my stomach. one is nearish my boob below it, and on is on my side and the last one is near the side one on my back. they seem like theyre bites, kind of like mosquito bites but swollen like that. its clear that theyre bites. at first when i noticed something was iritating me on my stomach, it felt like the feeling you get when ur feverish and when you touch your skin it sort of hurts. i dno how else to describe it. and yeah thats how it startedout, so i didnt think i had a bite at all. but then it developed into that, so what do you guys think it could be?
Dream meaning death of dog?
Perhaps it is a shifting of loyalties. Someone or somethng you felt a connection to is no longer there, but someone (or something) can fill the void
Guy walks past my bus stop most days?
how can i get his attention coz i aint that confident but ppl say i look like i check someone everyday dnno why coz i dnt check noone jus wnna check him because he looks nice bt dno wot to say or do ideas ?
Does he like me? Should i text him or leave it?
rightt, so i met this guy at the weekend, and we clicked like we had new each other for agers, he asked for my number and asked if i would meet up with him again. he text me all day on sunday from like 8 till 10 and was was txtin like havin a laugh and he said i will have to pop and see u soon. Mondayy i got nothingg and yet again today nothing. he works mon to fri, but surley a text isant gna take 5 mins of his time.. i carntt text a lad first i dont like doing it. does he sounds intrested, is it normal to not textt for a while?. in other cases they txtd me everyday and always askin to hang out,, am i expectin to much. i dno what to think!
Find all the complex solutions of the equation z^4=i and z^4=-8?
can you give a full detailed answer and step by step process.. I know i'm suppost to use de moivre's theorem but i dno how to do it.. thanks very much..
Why am i losing so much blood ?!!?
Irregularity is normal but this is a little different. you may need to talk to your mom or your obgyn.
Two different colored bulbs for lamp with turtle tank?
A lady donated to me her old tank that she used to keep her turtles in along with some lightbulbs to put in the lamp. She gave me two purple-ish bulbs and one clear one. I'm not sure if one bulb is a UVA and the other a UVB or if they're the same bulb. Should I put in one of each or just put in the two purple bulbs to be safe?
My cd player (deck) wont turn off in my car.?
i have a 04 ford explore and i installed the deck about 5 months ago. today when io went out to my car i realized the deck was still on. it was never like this i have a jvc head unit and i don't no how it would just do this all of the sudden. i have not taken the deck out or played with anything. can some one please help me.
Where to take a girl on a first date?
Iv been talking to this girl i like and we have arange to meet up but i dno where to take her lol ps were both 16
Could i keep a Map Turtle in a 38 gallon?
i have always wanted a turtle but the only one i knew was red eared sliders and they get too big, and now after some reading online i found out about map turtles. i read that they stay pretty small and want to know if i could get one or two in my 38 gallon. i have a fluval 305 in there right now and it filters up to 70 gallon tanks, also i have a 50 gallon filter i can install if necessary so any thoughts?
How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have?
A symmetry divides a figure into two equal halves. for a rectangle of course the two. And also the diagonals divides the rectangle into into two equal halves. so actually it is four.
Getting iPhone cheaper than paying internet?
I've been looking into getting an iPhone and just use the wireless internet off that. I know the iPhone has a setting where the phone can give off WiFi so I could use it on my laptop too. The iPhone costs $30 more a month than the original plan I have now. I'm just wondering if I cancel my phone (house phone) and internet bill to just cable (I had the optimum triple play - so I would have IO cable) then maybe I'd be saving money, and get what I would rather want in the long run? I guess what I'm basically asking is, is paying $30 more a month cheaper than paying for my phone and internet?
Does my boyfriend want me anymore?
need some advice? things are a bit up & down for me & my fella atm. about a month ago he nearlly ended it with me saying that his not happy anymore, doesnt wanna be without me but cant c us being together in the future, anyway were giving it another go, been getting on well. thiings that were said still play on my mind, so i txtd him saying im still scared of loosing u, dnt think u feel the same way as i do, he said he doesnt think he does but all relationships are like tht, 1 persons feelings are stronger. He said he wants it to work, wants to be happy with me, and doesnt want to hurt me. Im so scared that his feelings are fading, i dno wat to do?
Can anyone tell me why he is like this?
Run girl run and forget about him, he seems desperate to have sex and doesn't care how you feel. Real man will not ask you to prove him that you love him by having sex. That guy is wasting your time.
Can i get medical help??
my sister is worried she has had a pain in her lower left front,ish part of her body, she keeps saying "i think its the kidney" i dno either just about the hip, front left. and shes been urinating more frequently, is there anything this could be a sign of? thanx
To believers: Is everyone potent to magic? If not, why?
Honestly magic is just a different form of prayer... While a christian may pray for a loved one to get better from a dangerous illness. a which would "cast" a healing spell...they r two different ways to accomplish the same goal
Bestfriends? <3 help please im having troubles and dno what to do anymore?
okay my bestfriend is daniel ... yes my bestfriend is a boy |-).. okay we do everything tgther :).. were not going out but yes we dont flirt ( were 13 ) we tried being togther as a couple but it was to awkward ;) hes my best friend and i can tell him ANYTHING he tells me his biggest secrets and we even talk about family problems .. one of my other friends zoe is saying that daniels her bestfriend and it hurts me incase he dicides he wants to be bestfriends with her ;\.. me and daniel are so close and i dont want to ruin it , but i dont want to talk about i with him incase he thinks im jelous <3
Saturday, July 16, 2011
How big does a water turtle get?
I barely got my turtle which was given to me by my friend,and i don't know what kind of specie, what to feed her or how big it will grow.All i know is that its not a red eared turtle because its plain,only has yellow lines.It hasn't eaten anything since 2 days and im worried it will starve.Its about 1 inch and a half.
Casual clothes for a bboy?
Im a bboy atm and when i go out ide be in jeans..pretty big shoes(skate shoes)..etc...and like at parties if i would be asked to breakdance i wouldnt be able to dance well because my clothes would be too tight or my shoes would be too big and can i dress with style but still be able to bboy when im out? i know hard question but i dno how to phrase it well :s thnx =]
Animal Cruelty? A red ear slider turtle is being kept in a tank set up for and with fish, without basking area?
I went to the nail salon and I saw the turtle desperately diving up for air every 5 seconds. I asked the lady about it and she he's okay, he's been in there for a year already so he's not going to die. I thought it was weird because I always heard turtles need a rock or something in their tank. I mean: a turtle is not a fish!
Halloween costume ideas anyone?
So, Halloween is coming up, and I need a good (slightly sexy) costume! So I was thinking a Tiger, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (A sexy female edition of course) , or a Wolf, which sounds better? :] If you have any suggestions let me know, if not, which is your favorite?
Help identify my turtle?
My turtles body is either a dark green or black, she has a yellow patterned body. She has webbed feet and the bottom of her shell is black with a yellow pattern and the top of her shell is black. She has yellow stripes on each side of her head
What can i do about being depressed?
Keep a journal, but instead of problems, write your blessings. If you count your blessings instead of your problems, you will see how fortunate you truly are. Then write your problems as the come on a piece of paper, then rip it up. It's no longer your problem. Good luck.
How do I get A female romance with Morrigan on Dragon Age Origins for ps3?
Ok ive givven her gifts, filled her meter all the way, done her quests, but the only thing that ive been able to get from her is a regular friendship wjen i want a romance w my female character... This is makin me so mad cuz i dno how to get her romance approval w my chick.
Im going abroad, will child benefit and income support know that I'm gone?
Ill be going abroad by the end of June. I dno when ill be back. Will the child benefit and incoem support people know that im gone.
Are these eggs turtle eggs or not?
Well it may be but if you don't live on the ocean beach then no but how to care for them i would say is get a small tank or bowl go back to the beach and get some sand and Barrie the eggs in it if you don't think they are dead
My brother has aspergers and after reading up on symptoms i had all the childhood symptoms?
What you describe is not untypical aspergers. You dont say how old you are but diagnosis on this and many other forms of Autism are fairly new. Remember Bill Gates of Microsoft is a sufferer of the condition.
Please REALLY need INFo asap !! fake fb?
A 13 year old used someone elses photos on fb but not name or anything and didnt harass anyone on the fake account just was bored. but then deleleted/decatviated the account and removed the photos?? Cos my friend did it, and I found out. and she asked me if i ever found who the photos belong to would i inbox them and i said i dno but say if i did, and they told the cops wot would they do btw this is in england thanks xxx
What should io do for my boyfriend on his birthday?
my boyfriends birthday is tomorrow and i want to do something fun with him thats not incredible expensive, i wanted to rent a boat but i have to be 21 and the security deposit is huge, we live in ft. lauderdale florida, so theres not a whole lot to do unless you want to drop a load of money. im open to any suggestions, thanks!
My Red Eared Sliders tank.?
every body else here is right but thats not what you asked you asked for tips heres some if there big enough take them outside some times they like make sure your watching them also a 20 gallon tank would be nice the next thing is these turtles love shrimp and live food it may hurt you to put a ew goldfish in there but it is healthy ps i still have not doe the goldfish thing i just cant do it
Which places In the prem go to Europe? ?
I know 1-4 go to champions league but what about europa league I'm sure 5-6 but dno about 7&8 Birmingham go to Europe cause they won the league cup, and man city go cause they won the Fa cup. Fulham also go due to the fair play league. As man city one the cup but already in Europe spot does that mean 7th place go through? I really don't know.
Do i have a mild concussion?
No. a concussion means you'd probably black out before you got it. If you stayed conscious after you hit your head I think you'll be fine for the most part, it may just take some time to feel completely normal. If you're that worried about it you should definitely see your doctor though.
Please write a C++ answer for this assignment question, using arrays, dynamic memory, and safe user IO?
Unless you plan on paying, nobody on this board is going to do that for you. If you have problems, ask specific questions and people will help. Don't ask people to your homework. You chose to take the class.... do the homework that goes with it!
I've got a craving...?
I want to (NEED TO) cut myself now!!! But a can't because I dno how to hide them... HELP how to stop cutting and to hide(preffered)
Why is my best friend acting like this?
since about 2 weeks ago my bf has been makin fun of everything i do and i dno why shes acting like this. everytime i do sumthing she is goin off with my ova mate nd laffing at me behind my back. is she just jelus or dus she nt like me anymore? please help me
Any reason why they didn't put Ken and Cyclops on MVC 3:Fate of two worlds?
I know what you mean dude when I first played the demo version at gamestop it was disappointing they had a short cast of characters in the second one they had a larger cast of characters and ya I agree it is too weird that they in the game maybe they got lazy and decide which characters should not be put back in the game and which ones should be put in the game.
My turtle has been shedding for a while... why?
I know that turtles shed but how long should it take? and it might be normal but it looks like she is shedding more than one layer... is there anything I can do to help her shed? THANKS
Does it annoy you when you ask friends if there busy some time and they say 'i dno'?
sort of.... but then i remember i do the same thing and i remember why i do it and then im just like eh whatever
So im flying out to Waikiki tomorrow for about 6 days... can anyone help clear up a few things I've heard?
1. Yes, many from Japan and the Chinese are coming, 2. Locals are fond of nice people period. 3. No, you can find out of the way places to eat and buy things. Example you can buy breakfast in your hotel for $40 for the buffet or you can go out on the street in Waikiki and find a nice full breakfast for $5 - $9. You can buy souvenirs at the hotel or ABC store and pay a fortune or you can go the Aloha Stadium flea market. 4. Don't know. 5. Part of Waikiki yes, parts no, part near Hilton Hawaiian Village far end no, down by Diamond Head no. 6. No. 7. Yes, Vacation towns are in no rush. 8. Yes but more on the north shore and in the center, not Waikiki or the southern side of the island. 9. Don't know 10. Sharks yes, north shore, jelly fish no, this is not Florida 11. Not many one spot on the North Shore where one or two may come up. 12. HIke up Diamond Head. 13. Can't help you here.
What kind of aqarium should I get my turtle?
I have a male red eared slider turtle and he is (last time I check) is about 6 1/2 inches long(not including head or tail). Anyway I need to get him a new tank because he is too big for the one he has so I need to know what kind of tank to get him and where I can get one. I would also like to be able to get him a sort of basking area so if anyone knows how to make one or if there are things I can buy please let me know.
Fixing headset? will this work?
I have a turtle beach earforce x 11 headset for xbox360. The wires were cut clean in half near the actual headset, so If i cant fix it they are junk. If I strip the wires a bit, and then find each individual wireset (there are 4 wires (each surrounded in copper) in the black coating) and sauter them together individually, will they work? or should I do something like splice each one with a dual connector? the problem with that is the bundle would be HUGE compared to normal, but if it works is that a possibility? Opinions please!
Is it okay if a turtle has extra scutes on its shell?
Try keeping it dry for like 30 minutes, and if it is easily peeled off, peel all excess scutes off, as they may cause rot shell like my poor turtles... They might capture bacteria or fungus you see...
Action replay code problems with my dsi ?
I just bought an dsi action replay card for my dsi and when I hit start it just freezes. I dno whats going on! heeelp! its with my pokemon white game.
How do i brake up with my boyfriend of two years?
You could try counselling, or maybe just tell him that you think you should have a 'break' from each other?
How can I tell if he likes me?
I told this guy I go to college with that I like him, his response was 'I read your message I like it'. At college we get on great, he's sweet, funny and good looking. I wanna know how to ask him if he feels the same without him saying he doesn't know how he feels.. I really like him and have done for ages and now he knows we both know it wont be awkward, he starts conversations with me and uses smileys a lot.. dno if that makes sense but please help me lol thanks x
Will anyone on yahoo teach me java?
You have to start with some basic steps, is like riding a bike. Once you get the balance you can't forget it anymore. I can recommend you a forum which has a good Java section with plenty tutorials.
Confusing Situation Need Help (girls opinion would be good)?
Alright so I drove my mom to the tanning salon the other day and she was talking to the girl who was working on duty and that she ahd broke up w. her bf and that she was looking something along those lines and my mom said she had a son and my mom showed her pics of me on facebook and she thought I was hot and was all hot to trot about going on a date with me to the point that she text me and said that we were going on a date on sat. at 9 when she got off of work. When i went to go pick up my mom I didnt reply to the text and she came out to the car and introduced herself and all that and was so nervous or intimidated that she started assking me stupid questions like if I tanned im fkin Irish no way in bhell it looked like I tanned and I thought she was joking or sumthin but I jus laughed and was like na not for me. So my mom introduced out and asked if I wanted to take her out and I wus like oh your Mikayla I didnt even know when I was sittin out in the parking lot and was like uhhh yea I'll take her out. And so she was like im sorry your like wth is going on and im like nah its all good. So I text her and asked her if she likes to shoot pool or bowl and she says that shes never played pool so I told her I would teach her and she sais alright sounds good with a smiley face. Then she text me wed. n tells me that she has to be honest that she ahs been on and off with her bf and that he found out that she was texting me and he flipped out that it isnt fair to me or him and that she was sorry and that she thinks im a nice guy and that it wusnt an excuse and that she hopes that we can hangout in the future. Now im thinkin this girl is in a rel. w a dude that she cnt get away from cuz shes obsessed with him and hes controlling cuz ive been in that situation before. So im thinkin wtf to text abck if anything at all so I just said ok cool thinkin like whatever **** it Im not gna try to persuade her to hangout if she is gna be a bipolar crazy *****. Its a ****** up situation but I need help in understanding this situation as in wtf is going on cuz im inside the box and if anything I can do or say that could possibly change her mind because I mean I think the girl is attractive and would like a chance and give her a chance just dno what way to go about it. Sum input would be good
Is there a turtle that i can fit in a 38 gallon for life?
I heard map turtles stay pretty small but im not sure, so is there any turtles that i can keep in a 38 gallon and wont out grow the tank?
Can this be real, christians answer please...?
He can speak to us in dreams. i would think that when it comes to matters of faith all things are possible. He created the heavens and the earth, do you really think then that it would be beyond Him to talk to you through a dream? God is real, He is alive, and He wants a relationship with you. put your faith and trust in Him and be willing to go where He leads you. God bless you my friend.
Soccer tryouts, Im really nervous?
Ok so, my 2nd tryout is tomorow, therte are no cuts yet, my first tryout, I was a defender, and accoring to my friends, I played really well, I dno how I dod tho. The coaches asked for the names of the players that were good, but not me. Hpw can i get noticed by the coaches, and make the soccer team? Im a defenseman, so any tips for making the team? im nervous, I rreally want to make the team, and tomorows my last chance, theres quite a few talentedplayers there, and I really wanna make it, any tips?
My fiance is driving me nuts. Normally we are good and get along together just fine.?
OK... so im a very emotional person too... that tends to be the deal with woman... ok... how about taken a break.... if u sleep together... sleep in sepert rooms... but only for a lil not for a really long time... like one nite... cus u dont want problems...take a break... wen ur with someone every min of ur life u can start to get agrivated with them... and if this guy has a heart he'll start to quetion his actions wen he notices ur not around 24/7...after that try to talk to him... since ur married to this dude u guys have to have comunication... ok well i wish u the best of luck!!! keep ur head up!!! things will get better!!!
Xbox 360 headset help?
I got some tritton ax 180s recently and I can't get them to work. I can hear the game volume fine, but for some reason I can't talk to people. I can hear them but they can't hear me. What could be wrong? I checked all the cords. When these didn't work, I tried my turtle beach x11s. They, for some reason aren't working either.
Domanda per i ragazzi?
sono molto presa da un ragazzo fidanzato da 3 anni con una ragazza per niente bella, mentre io, a parer di molti sono carina ,e credo ke la maggior parte dei ragazzi sceglierebbe me e non lei...allora mi kiedo perk� questo non avviene per lui...mi ha detto ke gli piaccio e ke ho un bel carattere ma continua a stare con lei.. come la pensate voi?? grazie in anticipo per la risposta :-)
Which small animal would make the best pet for me?
You sound like the perfect candidate to be a rat owner! They're smart, easy to care for, interactive and affectionate. Their day to day cost is fairly inexpensive too. Honeslty, your description of the type of pet you want would be rats, hands down. I'd suggest males since they're more laI'd back and cuddley :)
No1 beleives me but i swear iv never been killed by a turtle on all super mario games EVER?
Iv been made small but never lost a life and iv played it for 20years. Is there anyway i can prove it??
Friday, July 15, 2011
Song that goes aaah aah anouska anouska anouska ayyyaaa?
i heard it on the radio today and it is stuck in my head! not sure if it is an oldie or could just be someone like florence and the machines who sound a bit old skl. ermm it was by a woman and yeahh i cant really think of anything else that would help, possibly a bit indie but more like i dno just ahhhh? plz help 10 pnts for best one!
What is the magnetic field strength inside the solenoid?
A 10 cm long solenoid with 235 turns and radius R = 3.00 cm has a current flowing through it of Io = 200 mA. What is the magnetic field strength inside the solenoid?
Help my rabbits had babies and i dno what to do :S?
she had them on saturday night so i brought her and the babies in side, she doesn't seem interested in them when i give them to her she does lick them and clean them but then she gets bored and walks away? they seem to be getting weaker is she feeding them? i don't know what to do ? please help
How to get motivated to study and do homework?
im in 10th grade, i usally come back from home and sit on fb, or the internet, till i have soccer practice, then do my hmwk after in a rush late at night. i dno why but I just dont wanna do it, I haved to write an essay due soon, it just seems boring to me, no matter what i say i still do the same thing every day, help?
How do I find a good place to fish for sharks?
I live in SW Florida, Sarasota County to be exact, I've tried turtle beach but haven't had much luck there, How can I find an area with sharks?
How many people are you totally comfortable around?
omg im glad im not the only one who has this feeling.. !! yes i think i'd be in the middle and i really dont ever know what to talk about with those super cool people, they seem more boring.. i wouldnt class myself that uncool because everyone thinks im funny and i throw parties often, but i feel those COOLER people just seem so dead out and b---oooooooo-rrringgg.! yea and then theres those 'uncool' people who i adore! they are so funny and i really like talking to them in class and stuff because they enjoy my jokes and are actually probs the most coolest out of everyone, even though they wouldn be considered it, ha im confusing myself so byee, and i feel so sorry for you eing grounded -_- thats so annoying.!!!! :) xxx
App on Iphone won't delete?
I added an app on my iphone called Turtle Fly and 1. It never completely downloaded and 2. I can't delete it now. I tried manually deleting it from my computer, but it's still on there!I even tried deleting it from the app store. I can't download any other apps because now this one isn't loading... I don't know what to do. Is there any way to delete it??
Period 4 Days Late?...?
I was due to come on Saturday, i still haven't had a period i keep getting sharp cramp pains like you would on a period but they don't last very long and My breasts are very tender.. i haven't missed any pills so i dno if it could be a sign of being pregnant?
Painted turtle or star tortoise?
i'm getting a turtle or tortoise for the first time and i don't know which one to get. if it's a turtle, it will be an eastern painted turtle. if it's a tortoise, it will probably be an indian star tortoise. not sure which one to get. any suggestions?????????
Do i get bullied because im quiett!!!?
Try to learn better in English so maybe then they will understand you if u kno what I mean, try online gaming
Vaginal spot or something i dno if you're a GYNOCOLOGIST please read?
this is so embaressinggg! okay so i have this erm small type of round spot or ball or something on my vagina lip or whatever u call it. n its not on the skin its behind the skin. sorry if this sounds disgusting. if i press on it it hurts. i shower daily, i'm a vigrin, change underwear daily. have had this happen to me years ago n it was a bit bigger, but it went by itself. what do you think it could be?
Do turtles have ears?
also please help me know which breed are my turtles?? dey r small in size, grow very slowly, have long neck and have their shell tip pointed...n yes dey also like sun bathing
Will a red eared slider turtle eat these?
If you're not already feeding your turtle live fish etc. then he's dieing of malnutrition. Yes he will eat every thing.
Which specie would win in a fight between a Red Eared Slider and a Bullfrog?
I think Bullfrogs would win since they can decapitate a turtle with just a few bites with their huge mouths
Is this normal ex behavier?
She needs to get over it. Leave her be. Don't text her or anything. You guys may resolve things in mutual terms later on.
I entered a competition and im really worried that it isnt legit now!?
aslong as you didnt give your bank detail everything will be fine. the worst that will happen is they may pass your details to other companys who will hassle you non stop via email,phone, or letter offering you different things.
I really really really reallly really like this boy soooo much?
give it time, get to know each other better. You might be worrying too much. A boy likes girls who are easy and light to talk too. You can be encouraging so he will have more courage to ask you out but not too flirty. Be yourself and if he is interested, he should make the move. Not you!Goodluck
I need a basking platform of some sort for my RES?
Get a slab of wood, bake it to sanitize it, and wedge it in the tank at a slight angle. It forms a hideout, ramp, and basking site.
Do turtles like warm or cold water?
I have a baby turtle my little cousin gave me out of her pond I think it's a snapping turtle but im not sure. I am keeping him in the room should I put him in warm or cold water?
How can i make my soccer team, please help,I dont have time!?!?
Ok so, my 2nd tryout is tomorow, therte are no cuts yet, my first tryout, I was a defender, and accoring to my friends, I played really well, I dno how I dod tho. The coaches asked for the names of the players that were good, but not me. Hpw can i get noticed by the coaches, and make the soccer team? Im a defenseman, so any tips for making the team? im nervous, I rreally want to make the team, and tomorows my last chance, theres quite a few talentedplayers there, and I really wanna make it, any tips?
Is my ex's behavier towards me normal?
Did you initiate the breakup? If so, she's probably embarrassed and still hurt. Or maybe she's met someone else which has made her cocky, giving her the balls to be arrogant towards you. Either way, she's not worth the effort; too immature, imo.
Could it be what I think? ?
Well the light/weird period could be because you're not taking your pills every day or at different times. That can mess up your period. The feeling sick thing might be in your head or could just be normal cramps. Getting a test is the only way to know for sure. good luck and i hope you get the answers you want :)
Cannot sleep! might be pregnant?.?
The fact that you have missed some of your pills and have been having unprotected sex then there is a chance you could be pregnant, some of your symptoms can be related to pregnancy but you should test as soon as possible because if you are pregnant then taking the pill could harm your baby!
Singapoorean people are very cruel. what do you think?
I found out that many singaporeans are eating turtles as their dinner and lunch dishes.. most popular eaten turtles are eared eared sliders, soft shelled turtles, and even snake head turtles.. i went to many markets in singapore, and was shocked to find that turtles that are sold for restaurant tables are mostly found in the town side of singapore, like chinatown.. when i got to a market near chinatown, i saw many juvenile or roughly big red eared sliders kept in cages..each cage containing at least 10 to 20 live red eared sliders. the space was seriously cramped. the soft shelled turtles are all stuffed into ann empty pail, all waiting to be sold or killed on the spot. what shocked me most was when i saw the man selling them just use a knife and a sharp metal equipment cutting open the shell of a red eared slider, and digging and slicing the flesh out of a live red eared slider, while it just screeched and groaned in pain... this was consequently done the same to other turtles, frogs and fishes that were sold there.. i just cannot bear to see these people doing things like this just to satisfy their eating needs.. there are so many things they could eat, but why must they purposely breed turtles and other creatures just to kill and eat them? the reason they give is that the population of these creatures are overly populated, so they have to reduce the number of these creatures.. but seriously, they are the ones that breed them out of greed! please give me your views, thanks.
Is there a way to get HD audio for Turtle Beach headphones on a TV that has no HDMI input?
I just bought myself a pair of Turtle Beach headphones yesterday and I'm having a bit of a problem. I've got the audio converter that you plug the fiber optic cable into, but, of course, this uses up the port on the Xbox for analog A/V. Now, my TV isn't HDMI-compatible. It only has the yellow/red/white RCA input on the back of it. Is there any way to get the audio/video, or atleast the video, to the TV? As in, is there any sort of converter that plugs straight from the HDMI port on the 360 into the RCA plugs on the TV? For reference, I have an older Xbox 360 Arcade so it doesn't have the fiber optic connection in the back
13 and going to a on what to wear :)?
hey im going to a disco and i dont really no what to wear. im thinking either denim shorts or high waist skirt,white stretchy t-shirt with a coloured one over it. and then white gna die the underneith part of my fringe. but i dno if i like what im wearing ,,any idea Please? :)
What to do with baby turtle?
i was given a baby painted turtle about a week ago by a friend. he just told me today that he caught this turtle. i have been feeding him and he is swimming and active. what should i do? keep it or release it? i really like it but i dont know.. has anyone else kept a wild turtle? btw im not sure if he is serious or not.
Can someone help me figure out what this dream means?
It's a dream - it means nothing - just your subconcious working while you are asleep - that is it - nothing more
Need help with reading and counting a text file in Visual Basic?
use an OLE DB connection and load the file into a pre defined datatable that has an autonumber field. Then all you have to do is query againt the datatable.
Is this normal for a 15 yo boy?
cause you have the mindset telling you that shes better than you .U just need to realize shes just a woman and ur a guy so just put them in they place
What to Do In This Situation?
theres a guy i dont like at school, hes sort of in with my friends, in convos he always stands in front of me and tries to push me out and its getting annoying, he thinks hes really cool, but dno what to do, im tempted to kick him in the balls and drop an elbow into his neck but that mite be a bit of an overreaction, sounds fun though :) any ideas?
Minecraft ModLoaderMp Issue:internal exception: bad packet id 230?
Whenever I add the mod loader MP into my minecraft_server.jar I always get the error message:"internal exception: bad packet id 230" I looked everywhere for a fix but I just can't find one :/... Please help me I want to make my minecraft server better! :D
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Can anyone pls help me with my javascript..?
your question title is wrong. this isn't javascript. it's Java. now a lot of people are gonna read the your title, pick your link, see something that isn't Java and send random messages.
What do baby turtle feces look like exactly?
I just got a baby turtle about two days ago. I've been feeding him worms I got from the pet shop. I clean his tank out every 2-3 days. Just now, I noticed something in the water that looks kinda whitish/brownish, long and stringy. But earlier I cleaned out his tank completely. Is this his feces? Did the worm he eat not fully digest or what?
How do i convince my dad to let me get a hamster?
He already knows i am responsible. He isn't worried about that. He thinks it will smell really bad like my turtle did. Can someone please tell him that it WON'T!!! no bad answers please!
1920-1950s style hair?
io would like to cut my hair in the vintage or pin up or classic move style (if that makes sense...) i have already sort of side bangs and med. length hair. i want old styles like catherine hepburn movies!! please give links to pictures and ideas to websites!!! thanks
How to get two dogs along ?
me and my nan haver had 1 dog for 9 years and we had a diffrent dog befor him and they got along ok . but she passed away my nan got a dog today and they are ok in the back garden but as soon as the new dog gose near him in the house all hell lets lose and i dno how to sort this out been told meany tip on how to do it but none off them work can u help me plz it doing my head in i dont want to igve away the other dog but im gunna have to if it gunna do that every timne they go near each other ?
Ok....i knw this is weird but wud u do this?
lol wud you spray perfume on a paper instead of scenting it? i mean i dno how 2 scent paper and it has glitter/beads on it etc so will the perfume make the paper wet? its a kinda cardboard about Full Speed or Daniels Desire? >.> sry
What are the measurements of the Io Plasma Torus?
How big is it? How large is it compared to Io? I need quantitative, number answers to use in my essay, but I've searched all over the internet and can't seem to find any numerical measurements of the Plasma Torus or how many times bigger it is than Io.
What kinda turtle do I have?
Turtle has shell with moss growing and. A curved mouth shortish tail dark color skin web feet found it in water
How do you find out what your postcode is???x?
im trying to register on ebay and it says i need a post code but i dno what mine how do i find out??pleaase help if you
Do i have a mild concussion?
No. a concussion means you'd probably black out before you got it. If you stayed conscious after you hit your head I think you'll be fine for the most part, it may just take some time to feel completely normal. If you're that worried about it you should definitely see your doctor though.
Keyboard settings help... PLEASE HELP ME?
For some reason i dont know i must of accsidently changed a setting or something, when i click any key on my keyboard i either get some sort of shortcut or a "ding' sound for an error or some ****... i dno wtf is goin on but its fkin pissing me off.. is there some way to restore default settings on a keyboard or something that i can do to fix this?
Hawaii Community College MLA?
So i'm having trouble trying to find the explanation for like magazines and internet articles and etc from that website, but I can't find it, I dno, i'm kinda confused, any help?
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