Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My puppy is way to attached?!?! Help?

I got a puppy and he is 10 weeks old. I got him when he was 8 weeks old. He is a black lab. He is actually doing quite well on potty training. When he goes potty outside i reward him with a treat and about 15 minutes or so of playtime and then i put him back in his crate. But as soon as i put him in there of course he whines. In the fifteen minutes of free time/play time he does not leave my side. In the crate he will whine for awhile and then go to sleep. I have to be sitting where he can see me for him to stop whining. I always try and get up real slow and cautiously as even if my knee or ankle does a little crack he wakes up and sees that i am not there and whines. I have roommates upstairs and i go to work each day and he literally barks and whines from the time i leave until the time they can't take it anywhere upstairs and they come down and let him out. They say to put him in the crate and back up until he starts whining. and then come back. and keep repeating that until you can leave the room. Well what if as soon as i put him in there i dno't have time to even back up a step before he is whining and barking. I literally need to be in visible range for him to stop whining and settle down. How do i break this. I hate the use of shock collars or muzzles. I have always had labs before but they were always outside dogs. My fiance is a believer that none should be kept outside so this is my first time trying to train a dog to be inside. but during the day while i am at work just for the time being would a muzzle help the bark and just keep it to the whining. Thanks

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