Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why isnt my pond turtle eating?#3?

It is probably a red eared slider. You can tell if it is because it has a red streak on the side of it's face. If it is do you have the proper UV light, basking area and a basking lamp. Also, you should feed it a variety and many turtles don't like the store bought pellets. I had a box turtle and it wouldn't eat the store bought pellets.. and 2 is not enough to keep it healthy. it needs vitamins!! Go to and look at the different aquatic turtles and their care sheets. Aquatic turtles need a calcium and vitamin supplement with their food to stay healthy. You should feed it bloodworm's, meal worms, crickets, Live comet goldfish, snails and earthworms. But feed it the insects as treats. Painted wood and red eared will also eat dark green leafy veggies and finally chopped veggies. Then you can feed the pellet food with it. They will only eat if it is in the water. I don't know the age limit to separate them from adults and juveniles so if you know and it is a juvenile feed it daily if it is an adult feed it every other day. Make sure your tank has a screened lid so that it can not Escape and use the rule of every inch of turtle have 10 gallons of water. The gravel or rock at the bottom needs to be larger so that they cannot eat it. In you raised basking end it should be 95 degrees the cool end should range at about 75 degrees. Light the tank with UVB rays 10-12 hours a day they will not eat if the conditions above are not met. Clean the tank and replace the water once a week. You know it is healthy if the eyes and nose are clear, it eats regularly, it is active and alert, it has a hard shell with no lesions, and it has skin with no sores on it. If it's eyes, nose, or mouth has discharge, has discolored bumps in shell or skin, is lethargic, has abnormal feces, is swimming frantically, or has sneezing or runny nose then you should contact a exotic animal veterinarian. Good Luck!

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