Saturday, July 16, 2011

Confusing Situation Need Help (girls opinion would be good)?

Alright so I drove my mom to the tanning salon the other day and she was talking to the girl who was working on duty and that she ahd broke up w. her bf and that she was looking something along those lines and my mom said she had a son and my mom showed her pics of me on facebook and she thought I was hot and was all hot to trot about going on a date with me to the point that she text me and said that we were going on a date on sat. at 9 when she got off of work. When i went to go pick up my mom I didnt reply to the text and she came out to the car and introduced herself and all that and was so nervous or intimidated that she started assking me stupid questions like if I tanned im fkin Irish no way in bhell it looked like I tanned and I thought she was joking or sumthin but I jus laughed and was like na not for me. So my mom introduced out and asked if I wanted to take her out and I wus like oh your Mikayla I didnt even know when I was sittin out in the parking lot and was like uhhh yea I'll take her out. And so she was like im sorry your like wth is going on and im like nah its all good. So I text her and asked her if she likes to shoot pool or bowl and she says that shes never played pool so I told her I would teach her and she sais alright sounds good with a smiley face. Then she text me wed. n tells me that she has to be honest that she ahs been on and off with her bf and that he found out that she was texting me and he flipped out that it isnt fair to me or him and that she was sorry and that she thinks im a nice guy and that it wusnt an excuse and that she hopes that we can hangout in the future. Now im thinkin this girl is in a rel. w a dude that she cnt get away from cuz shes obsessed with him and hes controlling cuz ive been in that situation before. So im thinkin wtf to text abck if anything at all so I just said ok cool thinkin like whatever **** it Im not gna try to persuade her to hangout if she is gna be a bipolar crazy *****. Its a ****** up situation but I need help in understanding this situation as in wtf is going on cuz im inside the box and if anything I can do or say that could possibly change her mind because I mean I think the girl is attractive and would like a chance and give her a chance just dno what way to go about it. Sum input would be good

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