Sunday, July 17, 2011

Does he like me? Should i text him or leave it?

rightt, so i met this guy at the weekend, and we clicked like we had new each other for agers, he asked for my number and asked if i would meet up with him again. he text me all day on sunday from like 8 till 10 and was was txtin like havin a laugh and he said i will have to pop and see u soon. Mondayy i got nothingg and yet again today nothing. he works mon to fri, but surley a text isant gna take 5 mins of his time.. i carntt text a lad first i dont like doing it. does he sounds intrested, is it normal to not textt for a while?. in other cases they txtd me everyday and always askin to hang out,, am i expectin to much. i dno what to think!

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