Friday, July 15, 2011

How many people are you totally comfortable around?

omg im glad im not the only one who has this feeling.. !! yes i think i'd be in the middle and i really dont ever know what to talk about with those super cool people, they seem more boring.. i wouldnt class myself that uncool because everyone thinks im funny and i throw parties often, but i feel those COOLER people just seem so dead out and b---oooooooo-rrringgg.! yea and then theres those 'uncool' people who i adore! they are so funny and i really like talking to them in class and stuff because they enjoy my jokes and are actually probs the most coolest out of everyone, even though they wouldn be considered it, ha im confusing myself so byee, and i feel so sorry for you eing grounded -_- thats so annoying.!!!! :) xxx

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