Monday, July 18, 2011

Help me! Or I will die!?

I feel like I wanna die. Every one hates me. I don't recognise myself in the mirror (literally) I keep having LOADS of da ja vus and I keep having dreams that come true. I'm sooo sad and evil. It's like my body isn't me but I can't control it and I only realise what damage I have done after I've done it. I think I have that derealisation (dno if I spelt it right) thing or somin and my mind is making me not realise who I am because it is it's way of dealing with everything that's happened - making it seem unreal. Half the time I feel like I'm not awake and everything really is unreal and I am living some big dream or in a coma or somin. Is really anything real??! And my brother has tried to murder me because I drove him mad and he apparently tried to commit suicide and he also has heart problems from the stress. HELP ME! THE ONLY REASON I DON'T KILL MYSELF IS BECAUSE IM SCARED BECAUSE I KNOW I WILL GO TO HELL!

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