Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Was i molested?should i say something?

a couple of months ago i was living with my bro and his gf and one weekend i was really sunburnt and my bros gfs dad came over to get tools or something when every1 was @ work & he said to use vinigar for the burn i said wow ive never heard of that he said yeah sure go grab it ill put it on your back i got the vinigar and sat down so he put it on my back and then he said turn around ill do your shoulders and he did but then he put it on my chest and i wasnt wearing a bra (too painful coz of sunburn) so he pulled my chest out and put vinigar on them too i was really shocked he said oh dont tell anyone what im doing because they might get the wrong idea and think im a pervert i was like ok and quickly got up and went to the bathrom when i came out he said oh sorry are you embarrased dont tell anyone ok i was like ok no its fine. ive been thinking about it for ages and i feel so sick im the kind of girl who tells her mom everything and i dno if i can tell her this if she tells MY dad he will prbably bash this guy and cause a huge family fight but at the same time i dno what should i do? forget about it or say something? also im nearly 20 and hes like 70 am i over reacting ?

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